Available Equipment

Instruments within the Diabetes Center Metabolic Core include: a set of 16 metabolic chambers (Oxymax Lab Animal Monitoring System or CLAMS), two 24-chamber Food Intake Measurement Systems (FIMS), a Rodent Incubator, a couple of DEXA, an EchoMRI device and our last generation Seahorse Bioscience XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer. The DEXAs, EchoMRI, Rodent Incubator, FIMS and Flux Analyzer are available for use, after training, by any UCSF and, pending availability, non-UCSF laboratories. The CLAMS is not operated by Core users.

The UCSF Diabetes Center Metabolic Core operates six kinds of equipment, all of which can be booked for training/usage on our iLab site.

Agilent Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzers

The Seahorse Bioscience XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer is a platform for metabolic assays, simultaneously measuring the two major energy producing pathways of the cell – mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis - in a 24-well microplate, in real-time. Contact [email protected] regarding training.

The Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer is managed and maintained by the UCSF Mouse Metabolism Core and is located in the PCAT space.  To use this technology, you must book through the iLab website.

The XF Pro measures cellular metabolism (mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis) in live cells using a label-free, solid-state sensor cartridges in a microplate format.  This machine is a 96-well format, requiring fewer cells than the XFe 24-well model, and is ideal for primary cells, cell lines, and T-cells, with newly available assays for measuring T cell metabolism in human and murine immune cells.  Please email [email protected] for a consultation or make a reservation at the iLab site.

CLAMS or Metabolic chambers

To measure the metabolic rates from individual animal, we use a piece of equipment made by Columbus Instruments, Inc., called CLAMS (Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System). Our CLAMS unit has 16 chambers, housed in a large enclosure with precise control over the temperature and light / dark cycle. A typical CLAMS run takes 4 days and the machine can record metabolic data for up to 16 mice simultaneously. To improve the acclimation of the animals, we single-house the mice the week before the CLAMS run and we introduce them to powder food (used in a feeder in the center of the cage). They will still have access to pellets though. Make sure to transfer your animals in time if you are on a different campus.

Food Intake Measurement System

Two independent systems of 24 metabolic chambers, to monitor Food Intake (cumulative amount of food eaten and bout of feeding) with food access control (fasting, paired feeding) (Columbus Instruments).

DEXA Piximus

Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning is utilized to measure bone mineral density and tissue composition (fat mass & lean mass) in anesthetized mice. DEXA offers a relatively non-invasive method to measure body composition in small rodents, and it allows us to measure the body composition changes over time. The PIXImus DEXA scanner is ideal for longitudinal studies requiring repeated measurements on the same mouse. DEXA scans can be performed before and after compound administration to determine whether body composition has changed. Effects of genetic alterations, high fat feeding, surgical ovariectomy, etc. on body composition also can be measured. We now have two devices: one is housed within barrier (in PSB rodent Barrier facility) and the other one is housed outside barrier (in the Animal Tower In-And-Out Barrier facility or MSB). 

EchoMRI: EchoMRI-3in1™ for Live Animals (Mice), Organs, and Biopsy

Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EchoMRI) from Echo Medical System, Houston, TX, is used to precisely measure whole body composition parameters such as total body fat, lean mass, body fluids, and total body water in live mice without the need for anesthesia or sedation. With its high sensitivity, EchoMRI is ideal for assessing small alterations in mouse whole body composition as a result of genetic mutation or exposure to novel compounds. 

Hatteras Blood Pressure Analysis System for Mice and Rats

The SC1000 is a non-invasive, tail-cuff system that quickly and efficiently produces reliable mouse and rat blood pressure measurements on one animal. We have a Mouse Specimen Platform and a Rat Specimen Platform.

Rodent Incubator

Experiments at thermoneutrality (30 C) (Power Scientific). 

Seahorse Bioscience XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer

The Seahorse Bioscience XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer is a platform for metabolic assays, simultaneously measuring the two major energy producing pathways of the cell – mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis - in a 24-well microplate, in real-time. Contact [email protected] regarding training.

Urine and Feces Collection from Single Mouse

Nine metabolic cages used for the efficient collection of urine and feces from a single mouse. The smaller chamber volume and collection tube design minimize evaporation. Contact us if interested.