Genomics & Metabolomics

NORC Genetics and Genomics Core provides access to, assistance with, and training in the use of an array of sophisticated methods and instruments for Genomic and Metbolomic assessment of molecular pathways underlying nutrition and obesity. The Genomics and Metbolomics facilities are overseen by five administrative units at UCSF.  This Core provides the infrastructure through which NORC users make use of those facilities. The Genomics and Metbolomics Core assists NORC users to identify and access those facilities. The NORC also supports the development of novel Genomics and Metabolomics technologies that are determined via a well-defined process to be of emerging need to the NORC research base.

NORC members wishing to benefit from NORC support when accessing these services please contact Myra Gloria (Core Administrator) or Jeremy Reiter (Core Director).

Jeremy Reiter, MD, PhD | Director

Services Supported 


Quantitative Metabolite Analysis Center

The Quantitative Metabolite Analysis Center (QMAC) is a full-service metabolomics facility housed at the Parnassus campus, equipped with state-of-the-art mass spectrometers for targeted and untargeted metabolomics. This small-molecule analysis platform will enable the development of frameworks for predicting disease, distinguishing disease phenotypes, deciphering biochemical mechanisms of health and disease, and the discovery of new drugs and drug targets.


IHG Genomics services

This Institute for Human Genetics Core provides key services for genomic research, including DNA extraction, SNP genotyping, exome and whole genome sequencing as well as data analysis/storage. 

CAT Genomics services 

The Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) is a part of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco. Our primary mission is to support research labs at UCSF through the resources that we host, but other academic and biotechnology organizations are welcome to use our facility through prior arrangments.

Microbial Genomics 

The Microbial Genomics CoLab offers next-generation sequence-based microbiome profiling and support for data analyses.