Journal of cell science

Shedding of ciliary vesicles at a glance.

Journal of cell science

Ojeda Naharros I, Nachury MV

Centriole distal-end proteins CP110 and Cep97 influence centriole cartwheel growth at the proximal end.

Journal of cell science

Aydogan MG, Hankins LE, Steinacker TL, Mofatteh M, Saurya S, Wainman A, Wong SS, Lu X, Zhou FY, Raff JW

Drosophila Ana1 is required for centrosome assembly and centriole elongation.

Journal of cell science

Saurya S, Roque H, Novak ZA, Wainman A, Aydogan MG, Volanakis A, Sieber B, Pinto DM, Raff JW

Regulated temporal-spatial astrocyte precursor cell proliferation involves BRAF signalling in mammalian spinal cord.

Journal of cell science

A.-C. Tien, H.-H. Tsai, A. V. Molofsky, M. McMahon, L. C. Foo, A. Kaul, J. D. Dougherty, N. Heintz, D. H. Gutmann, B. A. Barres, D. H. Rowitch

Ca2+-activated Cl- channels at a glance.

Journal of cell science

Berg J, Yang H, Jan LY

PERP regulates enamel formation via effects on cell-cell adhesion and gene expression.

Journal of cell science

Jheon AH, Mostowfi P, Snead ML, Ihrie RA, Sone E, Pramparo T, Attardi LD, Klein OD