
Short-term isocaloric fructose restriction lowers apoC-III levels and yields less atherogenic lipoprotein profiles in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome.


Gugliucci A, Lustig RH, Caccavello R, Erkin-Cakmak A, Noworolski SM, Tai VW, Wen MJ, Mulligan K, Schwarz JM

In vivo triglyceride synthesis in subcutaneous adipose tissue of humans correlates with plasma HDL parameters.


Tuvdendorj D, Munoz AO, Ruiz-Barros V, Schwarz JM, Montalto G, Chandalia M, Sowers LC, Rizzo M, Murphy EJ, Abate N

Comparing coronary artery calcium among U.S. South Asians with four racial/ethnic groups: the MASALA and MESA studies.


Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Ewing SK, Herrington D, Liu K, Blaha MJ, Srivastava S, Dave SS, Budoff MJ

Telomerase, telomere length, and coronary artery calcium in black and white men in the CARDIA study.


Kroenke CH, Pletcher MJ, Lin J, Blackburn E, Adler N, Matthews K, Epel E
