Victor Cheuy, PhD

Assistant Professor In Res
Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science
+1 415 353-9416

My research interests focus on the unrecognized and underappreciated musculoskeletal complications due to diabetes and chronic kidney disease, primarily in the lower extremity. I have extensive experience combining quantitative clinical imaging, three-dimensional biomechanics, and physical function and activity techniques to characterize the relationship between the musculoskeletal movement system and function. The goals of this work are to improve the early detection of negative structural and functional effects of disease, improve the rate of recovery of clinically meaningful outcomes, and prevent the occurrence of secondary injuries and chronic conditions.

Courses taught:
PT251A Research Design I: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
PT251B Research Design II: Appraisal of Scientific Literature


Movement pattern biofeedback training after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial.

Arthritis care & research

Bade MJ, Christiansen CL, Zeni JA, Dayton MR, Forster JE, Cheuy V, Christensen JC, Hogan C, Koonce R, Dennis D, Peters A, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Gait compensations, pain, and functional performance during the six minute walk test in individuals with unilateral hip osteoarthritis.

Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)

Davis-Wilson H, Hoffman R, Cheuy V, Christensen J, Forster JE, Judd DL, Stevens-Lapsley J, Christiansen CL

Incorporating Functional Strength Integration Techniques during Total Hip Arthroplasty Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Physical therapy

Judd DL, Cheuy V, Peters A, Graber J, Hinrichs-Kinney L, Forster JE, Christiansen CL, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Preserves Muscle Strength Early after Total Knee Arthroplasty: Effects on Muscle Fiber Size.

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society

Cheuy VA, Dayton MR, Hogan CA, Graber J, Anair BM, Voigt TB, Nelms NJ, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Toth MJ

Movement pattern biofeedback training after total knee arthroplasty: Randomized clinical trial protocol.

Contemporary clinical trials

Bade MJ, Christensen JC, Zeni JA, Christiansen CL, Dayton MR, Forster JE, Cheuy VA, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on the Recovery Trajectories of Function, Strength, and Self-Report Measures After Total Knee Arthroplasty.

Arthritis care & research

Cheuy VA, Loyd BJ, Hafner W, Kittelson AJ, Waugh D, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Stiff knee gait may increase risk of second total knee arthroplasty.

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society

Zeni JA, Flowers P, Bade M, Cheuy V, Stevens-Lapsley J, Snyder-Mackler L

Response to Letter to the Editor on "Arthrofibrosis Associated With Total Knee Arthroplasty".

The Journal of arthroplasty

Cheuy VA, Foran JRH, Paxton RJ, Bade MJ, Zeni JA, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Arthrofibrosis Associated With Total Knee Arthroplasty.

The Journal of arthroplasty

Cheuy VA, Foran JRH, Paxton RJ, Bade MJ, Zeni JA, Stevens-Lapsley JE

Muscle and Joint Factors Associated With Forefoot Deformity in the Diabetic Neuropathic Foot.

Foot & ankle international

Cheuy VA, Hastings MK, Commean PK, Mueller MJ

Acquired midfoot deformity and function in individuals with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy.

Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)

Hastings MK, Mueller MJ, Woodburn J, Strube MJ, Commean P, Johnson JE, Cheuy V, Sinacore DR

Intrinsic foot muscle deterioration is associated with metatarsophalangeal joint angle in people with diabetes and neuropathy.

Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)

Cheuy VA, Hastings MK, Commean PK, Ward SR, Mueller MJ

Reliability and validity of a MR-based volumetric analysis of the intrinsic foot muscles.

Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI

Cheuy VA, Commean PK, Hastings MK, Mueller MJ

Research Area: 
Clinical Research