Holly Ingraham, PhD
About our Reserch: Please visit my website at https://ingrahamlab.ucsf.edu on our current research efforts on the basic science of "Hormones and Nerves in Female Physiology" aimed at improving women's health.
About Me: Those who devote their lives to creative pursuits are often inspired by a singular event. Mine came from my great-grandfather, whose 1890 Bausch & Lomb microscope, abandoned in a closet after being shipped west from Worcester Massachusetts, came into my possession when I was 10 years old. I picked it up and began exploring the biological world of Northern California, never to stop. But sporadic events are not enough to support a lifetime of curiosity and discovery. That support would come via the State of California through an amazing and accessible public education system beginning at Revelle College at UCSD, and through the NIH, which has supported my curiosity-based discovery research program continuoulsy for over 25 years. Unwavering support also comes from my family and mentors who provide the personal strength and resiliency needed to overcome moments of disappointment, insecurity, and self-doubt. I thoroughly enjoy my life as a scientist and continue to be addicted to the rare experimental successes sprinkled among the many failures inherent in the scientific process.
About Diversity: In partnership with San Francisco State University, I also direct the UCSF IRACDA Scholars Program to build diversity in our nation's biomedical workforce and faculty. Our efforts along with generous funding from an NIGMS K12 grant and the UCSF School of Medicine provide career development programming for a cohort of postdoctoral fellows. With Ms. Anne Sufka, we recently launched Path-To-Postdoc@UCSF Program, a funded opportunity for prospective fellows to interact with UCSF's vibrant research community. Our local efforts today will make a national difference tomorrow.